Mona Lisa Ristorante - April 2014
Twelve of my abstract paintings were on display during April 2014 at Mona Lisa Ristorante, along with works from my good friend, the talented abstract artist Catherine Emile. Two of my pieces were sold (Candle and Chaos), but the other ten pieces are still available. If you are interested in purchasing, please call me a t 204-489-2151.
Mona Lisa Ristorante, at 1697 Corydon in Winnipeg, Manitoba, is a huge supporter of the local art scene, providing a monthly rotating display highlighting the work of local artists. I have proudly displayed my abstract paintings there every year since 2010. My work will once again be on display in December 2014 and January 2015.
I have been experimenting with iMovie to create video montages of my paintings. Here is a link to a YouTube video showing the pieces that I had on display at Mona Lisa Ristorante in April 2014, set to the amazing music of local musician Dave Swiecicki, who has kindly given me permission to use his original compositions as a backdrop for my paintings.